Winter Season

Learning About ARM : Debug ARM with JTAG and Eclipse

Chapter : 3
Debug ARM with JTAG and Eclipse

Date : Sun,4 October 2009
Writer : Ataya P
ARM NXP board
Working Platform :
Lenovo Notebook , Intel Pentium Dual Core T2080 1.73GHz
2Gbyte RAM
Ubuntu 9.04 -Jaunty Jackalope

Cooking  ingredient :

  1.ARM cross compiler (try to read chapter1)
  2.Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developer (setting with chapter2)
  3.OpenOCD for debian
  1.ARM LPC 2388 Board (Interface 2009年5月号)
  2.ARM-USB-TINY jtag cable

Let's do it
1. Install openocd version 0.3.0 using debian package (Ubuntu default package is older version and can not be used)
2. Setting Eclipse as showing here

debug with openocd with eclipse

debug arm with openocd and eclipse

debug with openocd and eclipse

debug with openocd and eclipse

debug with openocd and eclipse

debug with openocd and eclipse

3. Connect ARM board with jtag cable and starting debugging mode
4. Setting breakpoint and start debugging

final arm test result

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