Raining Season

Arduino : FAY Mini-Character LCD Shield

Date : Thursday,25 October 2017
Writer : Ataya P

Here comes my homemade FAY(Fast And easY) Mini-Character LCD Shield for Arduino. I designed it to use for my own project. Let's see ...

1. The shield can be set to interface with 7x2 pins connector type LCD module.
Connect with LCD module

2. User can easily remove and replace the LCD module.
Remove LCD module

3. This is the schematic of the shield.

4. Download Music Box sample sourcecode Here

*** User can set LCD's pin 1 to GND or VCC with Jumper P3 and LCD's pin 2 to GND or VCC with Jumper P4, So please make sure that you had set the right jumper pins before turn on the arduino or else your LCD module will be destroy permanently.
*** Do NOT set Backlight variable resister to 0 ohm because arduino board's current might damage LCD's LED backlight.

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