Compile Android Root-FS Source code
Something wrong with embinux
on Android NDK
4.Loading 3D model with min3D library
Porting Android to new development board
New SDK Android 2.3 API 9 installed !!
# Compile
Android Root-FS
Source code
Date :
November 2009 source code of Android from
2.install all need packages for compile the sources.
$ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex
bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev
build-essential zip
curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev
3.due to my
computer is use Ubuntu 9.10 as base. JDK 5 sdk is out of
fashion. So , just change 2 place in the build/core/ file to be
JDK 1.6
# Check for the
version of
java_version :=
$(shell java
-version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | grep '[ "]1\.6[\. "$$]') the rest as the official website is describe.
5.make the source code and wait for a while ...
6.after hours , image are all created
Install system fs
Target ram disk:
Target userdata fs
Installed file list:
Something wrong with embinux
website ??
Date : 24 January
Recently , I tried to
to Beagleboard.
I did as they said on
Well, At least , It working
on my
but still can not use network or playing sound.
Anyway,On 24th I
access the website. Something wrong was writing on the website page.
on Android NDK
Date : 20 March 2010
1.Download Android NDK from
(I'm using Ubuntu as development platform)
2.Extract NDK and parse to you workspace directory
3.Enter to NDK directory and run setup script
$ cd android-ndk-r3/build
$ build/
4.Now build the hello-jni application
$ make APP=hello-jni library must be appeared at
5.By using Eclipse to open project at apps/hello-jni/project
6.Execute Android Emulator and Yes It's Work !!
# Loading
3D model with min3D library
Date : 23 September
Trying to loading 3D model that
made by using Blender program to Android
1.Using Blender ( to make
a 3D model (For demo,Just a box)
2.creating a Box and export it to wavefront(.obj) format. Just
select all
option when you export it.
3.At this step, You will got box.obj and box.mtl
files. Then, change
their name to box_obj and box_mtl
4.change meterial link described in box_obj file. To be just like this
5.Import the modified resource into Min3D's
Android project and do some coding as you can see
from (
6.Run the program through a Emulator and Yes It Works !!!
# Porting Android to new development board
Date : 2 January
From my experience, To porting android you need to know about..
bootloader :
u-boot,redboot or whatever. You need to know how to config boot option
to load from NAND,SD-Card,TFTP
or the media that contains Android-Linux kernel
Android-Linux kernel
: This is a hard job. To porting Android to new development board that
never run Android before.
First of all,you need to obtain Linux kernel sourcecode that it
compiled kernel running perfectly on the target board.
From that point we will porting it into Android-Linux kernel.
Android-Root File System
: due to Android kernel and root file system is separated, you can
compile it with cross-compiler
without related with kernel.The compiled root file system can be use
with all other development boards.
OK.Now we will talking about how to making Android-Linux kernel for the
1. Download the Android-Linux kernel sourcecode that nearly your
board Linux kernel sourcecode version.
Check the version of the kernel on
For example :
if your board's Linux kernel is 2.6.31 version.then using Android 2.2
(Froyo) that base on Linux kernel 2.6.32 version.
$ git clone git:// android-kernel $ cd android-kernel $ git checkout origin/android-2.6.32
2. Try to check that it contains your board config file in
/arch/arm/config or not. If it had a config file then thing gonna be
If it not you have to porting all of config and driver from your
own board's linux kernel sourcecode and it will be a hard way to do.
- In case of config file is not existed in config
directory. You need to make patch from your board original Linux kernel
sourcecode diff with vanilla linux kernel (ofcause same version)
and then try to patch it into Android-Linux kernel. At this point a lot
of error may appear, Just use your sense to ignore, fix it or give up.
- If the config file existed (or already doing
patched) then try to config the Android-Linux kernel sourcecode. If no
error then you are lucky.
If not, try to copy sourcecode from your board's kernel sourcecode and
fix it. Especially,Driver problem is better to be solved by using
board's original sourcecode.
3. After compiled without error and you got uImage file. Don't be happy
too fast. You neet to fix touch screen driver and mapping keymap anyway.
- For touch screen driver, you need to add touch
event when event is report to upper level.
- For keymap, you need to map at least
KEY_BACK,KEY_HOME,KEY_MENU for control Android
4. Just make uImage again. If the kernel image working well with
Android root file system on your board.. Congratulation.(^^)
*** This is wrote from my own experience. I'm not sure it the right way
or not. At least it works for me.
# New SDK Android 2.3 API 9 installed !!
Date : 22 January
just update Android's SDK last week and some errors are happened.
1. On my Ubuntu Not PC, I got debug expire problem and it
resolved by delete file ~/.android/debug.keystore and clean your
Android projects.
2. On my Office Debian Lenny PC, I got a complain about GLIBC version
is not compatible and still can not do anything...
However, on my Ubuntu PC I can run an Android Emulator and ... Wow !!
It's has Galaxy Tab Emulator also. Great ...