Winter Season

Arduino : Unboxing & Testing ESP32 Dev Kit V1

Date : Friday,31 May 2024
Writer : Ataya P

Just bought new ESP32 Dev board from online shop. So, I just did unboxing video and testing it's Wifi scan example. Let's take a look ...

The ESP32 Dev Kit V1 board

ESP32 DevKitV1 board
USB cable

Arduino IDE (I using version 1.8.5) You may need to install Python3 and Pyserial module before download the ESP32 library

1. First install ESP32 development library for your Arduino IDE . Open File->Preferences at Additional Boards Manager URLs just type "," and click OK Button.
Set ESP32 library url

2. Next download ESP32 Library and tools by select Tools ->Board:-> Boards Manager and then search for ESP32 Library and downloading them.
Download ESP32 library

3. After all downloaded, restart your Arduino IDE and then select an example code from File ->Examples-> Wifi and then choose WifiScan example
Wifi Scan code

4. Connect the ESP32 Dev board with your PC via USB cable. Select Tools -> Board : and choose "ESP32-WROOM-DA Module" then compile the code and downloading binary to the board. If the Blue LED is light On then it is working.
The Blue LED

5. Next open serial terminal by select Tools -> Serial Monitor and then choose 115200 baud you will see message that the board is scanning for Wifi network that available in your area.
Serial Terminal

6. I hope this tutorial may helpful for you. Have Fun :)

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